
Friday, June 3, 2016

Vinegar Fridays -- Toenail fungus, anyone?


For those of you who haven't been around for long, the above acronym means Thank God it's Vinegar Friday! Vinegar Fridays used to be a regular feature here on Green Grandma. After the book, however, I slowed it down to the first Friday of every month. 

If you're not familiar with the book, I thought I'd share some of it with you in hopes, of course, that your interest will be piqued enough to buy it. Right now, it's only $6.99 on Amazon, which, quite honestly, is a steal!

Fully indexed, the book is divided into chapters, such as Coffee, Tea or Vinegar?; The F-word; No More Tangles ... and No More Tears; Snuggle-free and Loving It; and more! There are even some recipes thrown in.

In Chapter 2, The Whys of Vinegar, I explain the dangers of using some common household chemicals like

  • ammonia
  • bleach
  • formaldehyde (yeah, it's hiding in disinfectants, furniture polishes, detergents, and more!)
  • glycols
  • lye
  • naphthalene
  • petroleum distillates

Those are just some of the reasons it's advisable to ditch the cleansers and switch to vinegar, especially if you have children, pets, or folks with chemical sensitivities in your home.

Concerned about getting things really clean and sanitary without the use of bleach? Don't be. Distilled white vinegar can do the job. My husband and daughter even cleaned my mother's basement with vinegar following a flood that filled it up with 4 feet of dirty water. Years later, no sign of mold whatsoever!

Have you ever heard of anyone getting a rash or skin infection after being in a hot tub? Well, guess what. Vinegar could have prevented that. I discuss the problem of hot tub rash and other problems in Chapter 5, What is that Lurking Under all those Bubbles? What is it indeed? How about fungi, staph bacteria, and ... yuck ... fecal bacteria. Thank God for vinegar!

Someone recently asked me if vinegar could cure toenail fungus. "Of course, it can!" I told her, although I did caution her that not every remedy works for everyone. In Chapter 8, Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder ... Or in that Bottle of Vinegar, I offer the solution: "If toenail fungus is an issue for you, try this:

Soak your feet for about 15 minutes every day in a solution of 1 part distilled white vinegar to 2 parts water. According to the Vinegar Institute, this is a slow, but effective process."

I hope it helps her. This chapter also includes the recipe for Martha Washington's facial mask -- the one that caused her skin to glow and supposedly was responsible for the president's initial attraction to her.

There's so much more in the book and, naturally, I'd love for you to add it to your library. If you already have the book, I hope you're enjoying it and benefiting from the advice and tips. I'd be ever grateful if you'd post a short review on Amazon, by the way. 

Click here to buy the book and then, if you don't mind, let me know in the comments below that you did so. Thanks so much! The GG community is the best!

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