
Friday, May 8, 2015

What if it's not such a happy Mother's Day?

Mother's Day is just two days away. For many, it's a time to celebrate their moms and grandmas. Others celebrate the wonder of being a mom. But what about the other women... those whose moms and grandmas are no longer with them. Those who longed for children, yet remain childless. Or how about those who once knew the wonder of a child, but whose arms are now empty? What about the mother of a prodigal they've not heard from in years? Sometimes, mothers sit alone all day because their adult children are just too busy to bother with them, even on a day that is set aside to honor them.

Yes, Mother's Day is a time for celebration for many. But it's also a time of great pain.

After giving up a baby for adoption in 1980, I knew the agony of empty arms.

After losing my own mother in January 2013, I know that grief that occurs as I pass the Mother's Day display of cards at the grocery store. 

So, yes, I understand a bit of what others might be feeling. But compared to the pain some of you live with on Mother's Day and beyond, I am clueless. What I don't want to be is insensitive. So, when you see my Mother's Day greetings here on the blog and on social media, know that they come with a prayer for all of you who are hurting. Empty arms are the most painful of all.

Love to you, dear one, 


  1. Thanks, Hana. As one who has lost three of her four babies, and who cannot celebrate or even be in relationship with her own mother, I appreciate this a lot. This is a hard holiday for me.

    1. Saying prayers and sending lots of love your way, Alena.

  2. Oh, Hana, you have such a beautiful heart for comforting the suffering. This post helped me feel so much more peaceful today!! (And it was a beautiful reminder to keep everyone who is hurting today in my prayers!) Thank you!!

    1. I'm so glad it helped you, Breana. And I'm so sorry it was even necessary. You would be such a wonderful mother.

  3. This is a beautiful inclusive post, Hana. I didn't know you had given up a child. My prayers go out to you and to all who feel the pangs of grief, regret, bitterness, and loneliness today.

    1. Thanks, Jan. There are far too many people suffering on days like this.
