
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Saturday's March Against Monsanto... will it make a difference?


On Saturday afternoon, I participated in the March Against Monsanto in Pittsburgh with two of my daughters, son-in-law, three of the four grandchildren, and some friends. The weather was perfect and the march went well without any disruptions. People along the route cheered us on with applause, thumbs up, and honking horns. I was, however, disappointed in how few people attended. With only 150 of us marching, I couldn't help wondering where everyone else was. After all, a whole lot more than 150 people are anti-Monsanto in this city. 

That said, I will not be marching next year because I am on the faculty of a writing conference in Lancaster, PA that weekend. But I'm sure that won't stop my children from participating.

One of my other daughters asked me a question the next night at dinner. "Do you really think it's going to make a difference?"

I've thought about that question a lot over the last day or so. Yes, I do think it makes a difference. Will thousands of people worldwide participating in a march convince Monsanto to shut its operations? Of course not. But it will raise awareness. When people start asking questions, they start learning the truths about Monsanto. Truths not tarnished by the millions of dollars Monsanto throws around trying to convince people of their worth in society... money that buys government officials and government agencies. When you consider whose "truths" benefit whose wallets, it's not hard to decipher motivations behind research. Do organic farmers have something to gain by convincing consumers to boycott Monsanto? Naturally. But not nearly as much as Monsanto and their cronies benefit by perpetuating the lies they tell and the poison they sell.

Loved seeing little ones involved

My daughters and me

Grandbaby :)

Delighted that my former roommate joined us!

Waiting for the March to begin

Here we go!

How precious are these little ones in their own "float"?

I encourage you to get involved. Sign petitions. Talk to people. Call your elected officials. And next year... MARCH. Do it for your children and your children's children.

And if you've already participated, let me know in the comments below. Where did you march?

I received permission to post pictures of the children from all of the parents prior to doing so.

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