
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Why I'm taking a stand against fracking

"You just don't care about the economy." It's something I often hear when people learn I am opposed to fracking. Of course, there's no truth to that. However, when a process such as hydraulic fracturing is clearly causing so much environmental chaos, my priorities change.

"What about all the jobs that would be lost if fracking is outlawed?" 

My question would be, "What about all the jobs that would be lost if Monsanto goes bankrupt?" I guess it would be a problem for many, but the reverse, in both cases, is that fracking (and Monsanto's assault on our food supply) is far more problematic for far more people. So, I'm not anti-people. I just really believe fracking is dangerous and hazardous to both the health of the earth and the health of its people.

I like the way Miranda Carter, National Online Campaign Manager for Food & Water Watch, puts it in a recent email:

Fracking is a real wolf in sheep's clothing. Politicians, from state governors all the way up to the White House, say that drilling for natural gas is the answer to our energy woes.

But at what cost??

Fracking has been proven to pollute our air and water and poison entire communities. There is much speculation that fracking is the cause of countless earthquakes across the country. And why wouldn't it? Think about it. This process of extracting oil and gas by fracturing layers and layers of rocks deep within the ground using a high-pressure blast of toxic chemicals, outrageous amounts of water, and sand surely must affect the stability of the earth in one way or another.

According to Carter, the dangers are proven:
  • Fracking pollutes -- a lot! Aside from using millions of gallons of water (even in areas where there is a serious water shortage), fracking releases toxic fumes and leaves behind pools of radioactive wastewater that can't be transported or disposed of safely. You'd think I could stop right here. Isn't this bad enough?
  • Fracking hurts communities.  The stories are pouring in. Families are getting sick. Water is undrinkable/unusable. I personally know people who have been adversely affected by these fumes. I know adults who developed asthma after fracking began close to their homes. I know people who struggle with infertility in areas where they're surrounded by fracking. Coincidence? Not according to a lot of the research.
  • Fracking affects everyone, no matter how far away you are from the sites. As you know, water isn't stagnate. It travels and this contaminated water and fracking waste are posing a serious threat to our increasingly limited supply of fresh water on earth. Air pollution affects us all as well.
 Let's face it. The people who "benefit" from hydraulic fracturing are the big oil and gas companies that are doing whatever it takes to procure and expand their right to frack. And they're doing it without regard to the damage they are causing in the process. Damage to the earth, damage to communities, and damage to the health of those they are sending out to work at the wells. Yes, they're providing paychecks to these people, but again I ask, at what cost?;jsessionid=C17A1311FDD4FB5D2DACB506E79D2C53.app331b?pagename=homepage&page=UserAction&id=769&autologin=true

So what can we do? Let's start off by letting our voices be heard. Our elected officials have to start paying attention as more and more of us demand a ban on fracking. I'm asking you to join me in letting congress know that you stand behind this ban. Click here to sign a letter to your members of congress. 

As a grandmother, I don't want to look my grandchildren in the eyes someday and answer the question, "Why didn't you do something, Grandma?" Do you?

Let's take action today!




  1. I live in Nova Scotia Canada and belong to a group that is against Fracking and other environmental issues. We live in an area that is on fault lines and this is the area where they want to Frack.

    1. How frightening! It's hard to fight the big money, though, isn't it?

  2. signed and sent. so scary.
