
Friday, April 18, 2014

Rewriting Eulogies

Image by Junior Libby

Death. Funerals. Reflection.
The Cross.
Anger. Sadness. Confusion.

At some point in our lives, we all have to deal with the death of someone we love. Often, it seems unfair. At times, grace prevails and our loved one slips away quietly. We can accept their death. But there is a sense of loss, a feeling that things will never be the same. We reach out for a touch that’s no longer there.

While it is the life of a person that touches our hearts, it is the death of Jesus that transforms us. If we meditate on where we’d be without the cross, we can’t help but realize how hopeless our lives would be. Because of His death, our hopelessness turns to hopefulness, our sorrow becomes joy, our darkness light. Death has lost its victory because power lies in Resurrection.

Eulogies expound on our virtues. They recall good times, strength of character, gentleness of heart. We laugh, we cry, we remember. The Gospels are a powerful eulogy of Christ’s life. 

What will be said at the end of your life? Will your children remember your steady faith? Your kind words? Your servant heart? Will your time have been more valuable than your “toys”? Will your compassion be remembered long after you’re gone, your gentle spirit transcending memories of harsh words spoken? Christ’s gift came at a cost. A cost of nails and a crown of thorns. Embrace Him. Let Him rewrite your eulogy.

Life. Celebration. Reflection.
The Empty Tomb.
Peace. Contentment. Certainty.

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