
Monday, December 31, 2012

A new tradition

I took last week off and it was lovely. Today, on this last day of 2012, I want to thank you for being part of this community. I treasure you more than you know.

Of course, with the end of the year, there comes a bit of reflecting. Where have I been and where am I going? This has been a year of enormous growth for the blog and I hope to see that growth continue into 2013 and beyond. Thanks to your comments here and on Facebook, I feel as if I've gotten to know some of you and that has blessed me immensely. I now have 'friends' in the UK and in Canada and across the US who I never would have 'met' without the blog. For me, that's the best part of being Green Grandma. So thank you, to all of you who have let me see a glimpse of who you are as I share so much of who I am with you.

While the following is in no way my idea, as it's something I found circulating on Facebook, I still wanted to share it with you. It is a way of celebrating each year on New Year's Eve by reviewing the good things that happened from January through December. You see, we tend to recall bad things sometimes quicker than good things. To counter than natural tendency, I want to challenge you to do what my husband and I are planning to do. 

Throughout the year, starting tomorrow, we will be writing down each good thing as it occurs and putting the slips of paper into a jar... a gratitude jar. On December 31, 2013, we will open the jar and spill out its contents. Piece by piece, we'll read each note aloud. Despite our circumstances at that time, I am confident we will be filled with gratitude as we look back on the many blessings of the year. 

Like I said, this was not my idea, but I embrace it as one that will change us... for the better.

Already, I know what's going in the jar tomorrow... a reminder of how blessed I am to have all of you in my life.

Happy New Year!


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