
Friday, April 27, 2012

A Vinegar Friday, totally unrelated, giveaway!

I know it's Vinegar Friday. But I decided to host a giveaway today, instead of posting the usual VF tips. Sound like fun? 

Have you seen the movie New Year's Eve? I haven't, but Warner Brothers is releasing the DVD on May 1st and they offered to give a copy to one of you! This is a 'good mood' movie ... one that causes you to pause, examine where you're going, and reevaluate the past year. Did you make any New Year's Resolutions this year? If so, how are you doing with them four months in?

Click on the app above to take a quiz on what Resolution Reset personality you have. Or just take the Reset Quiz. Then, when you're all done with that, download the 2012 Reset Tips to help jump start your failing resolutions (unless you're one of the tenacious ones who are right on track with yours).

Usually, when I host these kind of giveaways, the prize is kid-related. Not this one. The movie is rated PG-13 and it's a treat just for you moms and dads out there. Maybe you can line up a night-at-grandmas, if you have little ones,  and snuggle up on the couch with your sweetheart for a date night at home. New Year's Eve stars Ashton Kutcher, Michelle Pfeiffer, Katherine Heigl, Sofia Vergara, Hilary Swank, Sarah Jessica Parker, Zac Efron, Jon Bon Jovi, and Josh Duhamel!

Once again, I'm using Rafflecopter. The winner will be chosen sometime after midnight (EST) on May 3rd.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. My resolution is to not be so hard on myself... not doing the best but at least every day is a new opportunity!

    1. Learning to be kind to ourselves is a worthy goal!

  2. One of my New Years Resolutions was to eat healthier and I have been doing that.

    1. That's awesome! Your body will thank you for it!

  3. Sean and I have been wanting to see this movie! :) My biggest New Year's Resolution was to begin clean eating. Not only has our entire family stuck with it, but I also tried out a month-long vegan challenge (which technically ends today, but I don't think I'll be stopping anytime soon because it's really working for me). It feels wonderful, and has overflowed to many of our friends and family members.

    1. I admire your dedication, Jen. I would have real trouble with being a vegan, for a lot of reasons ... including that I don't think it's Biblical (land of milk and honey and all of that). But if it works for you, that's wonderful!

    2. Curious why you would consider it to be unbiblical. I think we were given everything to eat, but not commanded to eat everything. I would think as long as you don't make a religion in and of itself (and I've absolutely met some people like that--very very scary), it is fine to make dietary decisions based upon health concerns. For me it was about needing more energy, less heart disease risk (every single person on BOTH sides of my family over 40 have it in one form or another), and less nasty gas (heeheehee).

      But I'd love to hear more...the last thing I'd ever want to be is disobedient.

    3. You're right. I shouldn't have said 'unbiblical.' I guess I was reacting to Christians who insist everyone should be vegan. That aggravates me to no end, and you certainly don't fall into that category. But, regardless, I cannot see any reason whatsoever that being vegan means you cannot eat honey. It has soooo many health benefits, which is probably why it is mentioned so often in the Bible.

      I'm truly sorry what I said came out wrong, and thank you for calling me on it!!

    4. Oh I love me some honey, and I still eat it. I don't like maple syrup at all (which, along with evil agave nectar, seems to be the official "vegan sweetener"), and since I'm not some crazy militant, I give myself honey (and the occasional dark chocolate). Both permissible AND beneficial! :)

      Much love to you!

  4. One of my new years resolutions is to introduce new healthy foods to my sons. We are trying new foods. They don't love everything, but they are trying more. Now if only I get my 3 year old to eat green veggies! :)

    1. I love this, Bonnie! Good for you!! And good for your boys :-)

  5. My new years resolution is to cook a new meal at least once a week. Trying new foods and new recipes! So far so good!

  6. I had planned to start walking again for my routine exercise. not working too well so far.
    carolwegs at gmail dot com

    1. Now that spring's here, maybe it will jump start your resolve, Carol!
