
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thursday's Truths and Tidbits

Welcome to my new feature -- Thursday's Truths and Tidbits ... a little bit of this and that.

Photo by Joy Shrader
Remember the smell of mothballs when you walked into your grandparents' house? Hopefully, it's just a memory for you. But if you're still using mothballs in your closets, you might want to consider getting rid of them. Why? Because they contain the chemicals paradichlorobenzene (PCDB) and naphthalene, known carcinogens.

Click here for a recipe for a natural moth repellant that combines rosemary, mint, ginseng, thyme and cloves.

Photo by Jiri Hodan

While looking for some helpful hints to share, I couldn't help laughing at this one from Health Magazine (April 2008):

"An antioxidant in extra-virgin olive oil can protect against brain-cell damage, according to a recent study. Plus, women who eat a Mediterranean diet, often rich in olive oil, seem to reduce their risk of dying (from any cause) by 20 percent."

Did you get that ... "reduce their risk of dying by 20 percent." Really? So, why hasn't this immortality secret gotten out?

Photo by me

Eating locally produced raw honey will help ward off seasonal allergies, as the pollen in the honey will work to build up an immunity to those things that normally set your eyes a-itchin' and your nose a-runnin'. How cool is that?

But remember ... because of the chance of botulism, NEVER give honey to infants!

Photo by Petr Kratochvil

Flowers inspire. According to researchers at Texas A&M University, an arrangement of fresh flowers in your office will bring out innovative ideas and solutions to problems.

Those are my truths and tidbits for today. Hope you found something useful here.


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