
Monday, February 27, 2012

The Sabbath Experience continues

Cats consider every day a Sabbath day!

I love Sundays!! I just do. Our church, lunch with kids/grandkids, naps, etc. tradition is addictive. It seems like nearly every Saturday, when I haven't completed the weekend tasks I'd planned, I go to bed with a resolve to break my Sabbath commitment, and spend Sunday afternoon/evening doing work. But then, Sunday comes and I forsake the work in lieu of worship, fellowship and rest/recreation. That is why I love Sundays!

Yesterday afternoon, I took a 2 hour nap on the couch, curled up with a blanket and a cat. And because it was the Sabbath, I didn't feel at guilty about it.

The other reason I love Sundays is because I love spending time with my husband. While he might do some things around the house, for the most part, he rests/recreates, too. We spend the time together and I cherish that.

How do you spend your Sundays? Are they just like most other days, full of work and activity? If so, I challenge you to start a Sabbath Experiment of your own. Of course, it doesn't have to be a Sunday. After all, the Sabbath was originally on a Saturday and is still honored as that by many. My intention isn't to get into a theological debate about when the Sabbath is, but rather the purpose for it. Yes, I believe that includes worshiping the Creator of this magnificent world of ours, but I also believe God recognized our need to rest from our labors. How marvelous is that?

Rest. Spend time with the people you love. Serve others. Play. Step outside the ordinary. You'll reap countless benefits ... I guarantee it.

Sharing my Sabbath experience with you,


Read more:

Why I started The Sabbath Experiment
When the Experiment turned into an Experience (and how it kind of failed this week!)
The best laid plans of mice and men -- how a mouse undid my Sabbath rest
A year later -- what did I learn?

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