
Monday, September 26, 2011

A fabulous Saturday and a touch of the flu

With my daughter, Jess, at the Allegheny Green & Innovation Festival

 Starting year 2 of the Sabbath Experiment/Experience. Let me tell you, there was no issue in resting on the Sabbath for me yesterday. Why? Because I was sick. Sick. Sick. Sick.

I started going downhill during the church service, but went out to lunch in hopes of feeling better. It didn't work. Bed offered a most welcome respite after I got home, and I ended up staying there for quite awhile!

This morning, I woke up with horrific back pain and now I can barely move. No amount of apple cider vinegar is going to relieve this, I'm afraid.

Anyway, I wanted to fill you in on the awesome Allegheny Green & Innovation Festival my daughters, grandchildren an I attended on Saturday. This was my first official venue as Green Grandma and I met a whole slew of enthusiastic, green-minded people. My daughters, Jess and Bethany, did an amazing job sharing their cloth-diapering expertise and experiences with many curious moms, dads and grandmas! Little boys were naturally drawn to the toy Recycling Truck on display. The truck is made out of recycled plastic milk jugs and was a real hit with the kids. We also talked a lot about no pooing, Eco Nuts, Norwex and, of course, vinegar! It was a long, but invigorating, day!

The little Lord Lincoln
Keeping an almost-3-year-old girl and a 13-month-old boy occupied was fairly easy with all the great kids' activities going on around us. A special thank you to Erin Fitterer who spent much of her day caring for the lovely little Lady Laura and little Lord Lincoln!

I was able to wander away from the booth a couple of times, leaving it in the oh-so-capable hands of Bethany and Jess. On one trip to the porta-potty with Laura, I stopped at a stand where Laura had the opportunity to spin a wheel, answer a question and get a prize. I must say I was quite impressed when she answered the question correctly.

Here's the question:

Which is a nighttime pollinator? A butterfly, a bee, or a bat? Without hesitation, my not-quite-3-year-old-granddaughter, Laura, answered, "A bat." I didn't even know bats were pollinators! Of course, I was even more pleased when I was referred to as Laura's mom instead of her grandma. It balways makes my day when that happens!

All-in-all, it was a good day and I was pleased to be able to share so many green tips with others. If you were one of the many people who stopped by the booth to chat, thank you! It was good meeting you and I hope you will become a regular follower of the blog and Facebook page.

Given how I feel right now, I think it's time to go lie down again.

Have a fantastic week, everyone.

Keeping it restful,


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