
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Review It Wednesday -- shopping green

Today's review is a bit different. I am reviewing a website I was recently introduced to. It is called Earthly Reward and offers a unique way to be rewarded for shopping green.

Here's the deal -- if you have a Paypal account (which is necessary), you can join Earthly Reward for free. You just sign up with your email account and you can start shopping and earning cash back (2%-10%)for every purchase you make at countless retailers around the world.

The way it works is you select what country you are in and shop retailers that ship to your country. At this point, they only award Earthly Points (ep) in currency used by Paypal. One ep = 1 $, £, €, etc. At the end of each quarter, funds are deposited into your Paypal account. Make sense?

The specific country catagories featured include:
  • Australia/New Zealand
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • United States
  • Green World
The green shopping categories range from Green Wedding to Office Supplies to Green Transportation to, our favorite, Babies and Kids. I was thrilled to see a familiar "face" in the crowd of retailers -- Earth Mama Angel Baby!

The downside? Just because a retailer claims to sell green products, you can't always count on it. Don't be fooled by names like Big Green Smile, a featured retailer that sells lines of products ranking high on the toxins lists on Skin Deep's Cosmetic Safety Database (Jason Natural Cosmetics and Giovanni products, for example). So you'll still want to do your research.

But, all-in-all, this is a good deal if you're looking to buy eco-friendly products from companies that care about the environment. Sign up at Earthly Reward couldn't be easier and the site is user friendly and a breeze to navigate.

So that's it for this week's review. No giveaways. No products you can try. Just a website you might find handy in celebration of Earth Day. After all, shopping online means you're not running around from mall to mall looking for that perfect green gift or that toxin-free baby product, shampoo, or makeup item. And with the cost of gas these days, that's a very good thing indeed.

Keeping it green,


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