
Friday, July 16, 2010

Vinegar Fridays


For many of us, summer means hitting neighborhood garage sales, right? Especially for those of us with kids or grandkids...or home daycare centers for that matter. Since babies and toddlers outgrow their clothing so quickly, it seems rather foolish to buy new when used generally looks new anyway.

But what about toys? Do you ever debate whether or not it's wise to buy used toys for your children? What about all of the germs?

Well, thanks to our good friend, white distilled vinegar, most toys can be passed down from one child to the next without a problem.

Today's vinegar tips are for those of you with little children in your lives.

First, let's back up a minute to used clothing -- adding a splash of distilled white vinegar to a load of kid's clothes in the washing machine will not only disinfect the clothing, but will also help to retain the color of the clothing longer and make it soft, fluffy and fresh. All for just pennies a load! Now, just don't undo the good by using toxic fabric softeners!

Okay, on to the toys.

Generally speaking, I steer clear of buying used stuffed toys. But if you fall in love with an adorable teddy bear or stuffed bunny, don't automatically assume it's off limits. Check to see if it can be washed. Cotton or polyester blends should be safe to put through the wash -- on the gentle cycle. If it can, buy it; then simply toss it in your washer after sprinkling it with baking soda and add a few capfuls of distilled white vinegar to the rinse cycle. Voila! Better than new...the chemicals used in manufacturing have been washed away.

Non-stuffed toys (plastic and wood toys and teethers) can be cleaned economically and safely by simply spritzing them down with a solution of one cup each of water and distilled white vinegar. Concerned about the strong odor of vinegar? Don't dissipates quickly. And wouldn't you rather your child put something in his mouth that was cleaned with something edible instead of some cleaning product containing toxic chemicals?

When it comes to the disinfecting care of the things your little one wears, hugs or puts in his mouth, distilled white vinegar leads the way to a healthier solution!

Keeping it green with vinegar,



  1. Hope this comment works!

    I have a HE top-loader washer (Kenmore Calypso). There are 3 dispensers - one for detergent, fabric softener, and bleach. If I want to add vinegar to the rinse cycle, should I use one of these dispensers? Should I just throw it in on top of the clothes? I've been wanting to try it, but I can't figure it out. Thanks!

  2. It worked, Mollie!

    I add the vinegar to the fabric softener dispenser and that's worked really well for me. The alternative is to pay attention to your washer and add it directly to your rinse water, but I find the first way works best for me.
