
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How about another contest?

Okay, this is a fun one.

My husband, although not a writer, likes to toy with words sometimes. A while back he emailed me a lovely little song he wrote and, for the most part, it's quite cute. But there's a line (the one in orange) that just doesn't fit. Post a comment with one that works better and win a copy of Sophie Uliano's book, Gorgeously Green. It's that simple.

Green Grandma
(sung to the tune of Green Acres)

Green Grandma
Is the one for me.
Diapers hanging from an old oak tree
Fake diapers all thru the land fill
Keep those phonies and I’ll buy cloth
Diapers for you.

For mu la is what I’d rather use
My boobs are sore from all that use
I just love using plastic stuff
Dah-ling I love you but goin’ green is really rough.

do do do do do

Your boobs.

do do do do do

Plastic Tubes.

do do do do do

Fresh Cloth.

do do do do do

A fake Moth.

You’re going green,

You’re being mean

Green Grandma we are there.


Okay, so maybe there are a few lines that need some adjustments. Improve the song and I'll choose my favorite version a week from Mother's Day on May 16th. Have fun!

Sharing a bit of my goofy family with you,


1 comment:

  1. Poop in the wash!??!
    Poop to wash!??!
    Not in my wash!!
