
Thursday, March 4, 2010

No more phone books! Opt out!

Did you know you can opt out of receiving phone books? Is that awesome, or what? I am so excited to know that I no longer will have to stash these bulky yellow and white pages in my home, only to throw them away when the next ones arrive. The paper recycling companies won't take them, so the only choice is to dump them in the landfills. What a waste. Five billion trees per year cut down for what? After all, how many of us actually even look at the phone books? I search for phone numbers online at What about you? How often throughout the year do you reach for your yellow or white pages?

Well, it just so happens, opting out is simple. Just go to and click on Opt Out. Fill in your info and you're done.

And for that, you all get this week's Greeny Award! Go you!

Keeping it green,


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